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This is where we got our start and where we continue to outperform other large agencies. Our team covers all timezones to make sure we are analysing & optimising campaigns 24/7. We report daily on any adjustments and work beyond scope, directly managing the Google and Facebook accounts, freeing up time for your team to focus on counting up the sales. 

We've helped startups from day 1 establish a plan and set them up for success, and we have stepped in when other agencies have put interns on accounts and the company was tired of fighting for changes or measurable results. 

Chosen by Google and Facebook as case studies in campaign success, we stay up to date on this ever changing field and ask ourselves every single day for every single client "What can I do today to move the needle."  


What does this look like in practice:


  • Managing Google & Facebook Ads on a global level with a country by country focus

  • On chat 24/7 with your team with updates on performance or trouble shooting with tech & marketing 

  • Introducing new concepts and creatives to drive more business

  • Testing new formats, channels and ideas on Google shopping, Instagram, tiktok...

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